Taking a quick look at this particular day's Facebook notifications, I found a post that I shared to date, two years ago. The post was in celebration of finally completing a puzzle---a picture of me, my hubby, and our fur child. The post text was this:
Two days/two sit-downs and lots of bickering over pieces but we finally finished. Missing one piece---PgSJr's heart....🤔🤔😂😂🥰🥰 We had a blast!!
Happy Saturday! ❤💜
Many friends commented, but this soul friend's comment resonated profoundly, and even more so, as I reread it now. Her words beautifully conveyed this:
That’s nice. Such is life with relationships and family, to say the least . It appears like Pieces everywhere, (with) no connection, just out of source and sort. But God... with much collaboration, patience, and determination, this is designed to come together. It happens in one beautiful masterpiece of a puzzle. Love ya, gurlie.
So true! Life is a collection of pieces, but with God, it is designed to come together in the form of a beautiful masterpiece. With Him, we can find peace, as we sort through the many pieces! Thanks, Kecia R, for dropping that nugget. It is still serving, because of your obedience and willingness to share a "piece" of your heart. Love ya back, gurlie---my friend, sistah, and WSSU Ramily. ❤️
"The Drip" of Coffee Thoughts ☕️
Peace & Blessings,
Lisa C-S