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Moderation Meatless in May (MMiM)

Voice of the Vine

Spring is here and Summer is approaching! With all of the pandemic pounds packed on for many of us (definitely my story), I’m beginning to think more about healthier eating and shedding some quarantine plumpness. As I am one not to be commended for solo willpower 🤦🏾‍♀️ in this realm, I’m inviting the TCV family to join me in a Moderation Meatless in May (MMiM) challenge.

There are options! None of them include 100% tossing out meat from our diets, however, it does include levels of eliminating a food item that most of us have incorporated in pretty much each meal. If you decide to participate, the options are listed below.

  1. Meatless Mornings ~ No meat during the a.m. hours

  2. Meatless Mondays ~ No meat on Mondays

  3. Meatless May ExSun~ No meat, except on Sundays (Enjoy, but don’t overload! :-))

  4. Meatless May ExSea ~ No meat, except seafood

At the beginning of each week, starting Sunday, May 2, 2021, TCV will post inspiration to help you to stay focused on your challenge. The fun and focus begins Saturday, May 1st through Monday, May 31st!

Join the journey! Sound off with your progress on TCV social media platforms through posts, stories, and comments.

Peace & Blessings,

Lisa B

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