The Cherry Vine (TCV) is so excited and proud to announce the next installment of the Cherry Soul series, Inspirational Buds of the Cherry Soul! This beautifully designed hardcover book is a compilation of Buds published on TCV, featuring many new unpublished Buds. Also featured is a section in tribute to my beloved mother, a guardian angel who recently joined the heavenly ranks on February 21, 2021. The tribute pages will “mirror” her beautiful smile, and are guaranteed to warm your heart. I hope that you will enjoy the devotional-like concept of this book, as well. Each Bud page will provide thought-provoking passages to engage your spirit, then speak to your soul.
Get your “Bud” on, and order your signed copy today! Click "buy now" below.
Also, in celebration of TCV’s 5-year anniversary on April 24, 2021, Blossoms of The Cherry Soul can be purchased at the special anniversary price! You can purpose this book below as well!
Thanks so much for your support. Keep Budding. You’re still Blossoming!
Peace & Blessings,
Lisa B