Winding down after a few days of vacation, as usual, I started to reflect. Reflection began with a lot of good thoughts–great memories of the overall experience and also, the intricate details of each exciting, crazy, interesting and fun vacay moment. This particular reflection took me to a place of thankfulness, as I’m thankful for the opportunity to travel; thankful to have traveled with one of my best and coolest friends; thankful for traveling mercies and a fun, but relaxing vacation (time away from work, personal issues and yes, Khloe :-); thankful that I took time to read the Word; thankful that I’ve progressed to a place, spiritually, where I can thoroughly enjoy myself, have my “me” moments, but also be ever cognizant of who I am and Whose I am!
Reflecting over the past week also brought to mind some sadness, as our country, yet again, experienced senseless violence, in that innocent people were killed (or wounded), bringing about horrific pain, sorrow, anguish, disappointment, continued distrust, fear, frustration and anger. I’m remembering how the wonderful and peaceful feeling of vacation was somewhat interrupted by hurtful emotion…Emotions that led me to contemplate a fix–How in the world can we mobilize and bring about much-needed change? How can the healing process begin and be effective in eradicating, not only the killing of these innocent victims, but also the puzzling acceptance of it?? How can the minds of folk change, who intellectually surmise, insanely prove to themselves and conclude that somehow these type actions are somewhat justified?? Really?? Boggles the mind, as I still reflect…
No matter what we reflect on, good or bad, the moments that we take the time to do so, can be powerful! Seems to me that any thought given in an effort to make positive change and/or improve our lives and the lives of others is an element of power. Running in our own Olympics of life, with no reflection or thoughts of each obstacle course, each challenging event, win or lose–medal or no medal, is a selfish and reckless way to prepare or train and certainly does not constitute a champion’s mentality. Realizing that our reflection is not only about us, but it’s about having thoughts of and a heart for the entire team and EVERYONE competing to survive in this game of Life!
As we maneuver through our day-to-day, please make reflection a part of our many thoughts. We can only be an instrument of change if we replace mindless behavior and hollow thoughts with positive energy, action and effective reflection that leads to strategic, but Godly, change for our hurting nation and the world. If the outcome of our reflection results in a conclusion that we are not positioned or ready to be a catalyst for positive change, then we should pass the torch to others who are energized, empowered, ready, willing and able to properly and prayerfully educate, strategize, communicate, advocate and call to action the foot soldiers of life!
Today, I am Reflecting on ….
How precious life is. Reflecting on the blessings that we sometimes take for granted.
How watching video footage and news reports caused me to shake my head in disbelief and how watching it repeatedly made me sick with disgust, but resulted in me praying even more for the victims, their families and their friends.
The tears of family members of recent victims. Their pain was visible and clearly displayed. It was evident that their souls were more than soiled and that their hearts were in disrepair.
How the mind can be a trophy or a trashcan. Mental illness, racism and hate are all real and dangerous!
The conversations of those who are sincerely and passionately committed to eliminating the deadly disease of violence (gun or otherwise) inflicted upon so many of God’s beautiful and valued children.
The power of Positive Conversation and Action, Love, Healing, Forgiveness and PRAYER!
“Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see” ~ Trudy Symeonakis Vesotsky
Peace & Blessings, Lisa B