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What’s Your Interior Design??

Lying in bed at one of my girlfriend’s house on Saturday morning, my thoughts were racing about a million and one different things. It was sort of like an engine accelerating, but apparently brought on by a few minutes of intercessory prayer. I’ve learned through the years, that sometimes when you’re just lying awake, it’s your special time to talk to God. A time to extinguish the flames of worry and unsettledness or a time to give thanks for having a few simple moments of a calming, no-worries spirit—A time to pray! As I prayed for a very special friend and family who were grieving the loss of a loved one, another friend with a recent medical diagnosis,  the father of a friend, who miraculously moved from near-death to signs of recovery,  someone who is on the cusp of getting a much-needed job and a family member who is dealing with a tough situation that has attempted to rock his core, I tried to think of many others. Who else, Lord?  I prayed for anyone and any situation that entered my tired body and my early morning sorted brain.  As I prayed, my mind, spirit and body began to connect.  I felt spiritually rejuvenated.

Staring at the walls of the bedroom, and scanning the entire room, I gazed with a sense of pride, as I was proud of how my friend’s house had come together. This girl has been in interior design mode!  The night before (or earlier that morning), she had shared with me some cool plans to do a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) project. I was impressed and happy for her!

As words normally do in a moment of Purpose, interior design decided to hang around in my head. I breathed a deep sigh and said to myself, “Here we go, God…..Guess I gotta write something….”

How are we designed? What makes up the fabric swatches of who we are? What home accents are in the right place? What items need to be positioned in another area of the room? What life pictures need to be re-framed, hung in a different spot or just straightened on the wall? Do we need to pull up some old carpet and start all over with some new flooring or simply invest in a good deep carpet cleaning event? Everyone’s mode of interior design is different, but the commonality and end results are the same, as the focus is always on improvements–making something better; something more captivating to the eye. Is it all about “a look”, though? Decorating advice that I received years ago and that I still live by, as I absolutely enjoy seeing a room come together, is that it doesn’t have to cost a lot to obtain a good look. Although, an overall look of improvement should not be the main goal for our personal lives, it can be coupled with and the result of an internal overhaul, that doesn’t cost much to get either. All it takes is a little focus, a little faith, fundamental study and a foundation of prayer!  Focusing completely on “the look” allows us to  certainly give an impression, but the makeup of who we really are will eventually be revealed at some point. As my mom says, “The covers will sure come off!”

As we lift ourselves and each other, know that our interior design is just that, “interior.”  It’s about what’s on the inside.  It’s about who we are, not solely the appearance of who people see. Takes me to a reflective moment in my life in which a friend made a comment that will stay with me for the rest of my life. The comment was in reference to a choice, a decision to do something that I’m certainly not proud of…we ALL have made them.  Don’t judge! This friend clarified so eloquently, as we took a trip down memory lane, “Lisa, You see…That’s just what you did, but it’s not who you are.” That says to me today, still reflecting as I type, that my interior design kicked in and was on display.  Someone knew the intricate makeup of who I was, based on good parenting and who God made me. This person understood why I couldn’t operate comfortably in a situation that didn’t speak to the soul of who I was. Thank God for deliverance!

As the day progressed, a couple of incidents affirmed the interior design thoughts –chatting with an acquaintance, who happens to be my girlfriend’s neighbor and close friend, about her decorating ideas and helping my niece colorfully outfit the bathroom of her new apartment. Interestingly, I hadn’t spent the night at this friend’s house in a few years and it was my first overnight stay at this place. There was definitely a reason why I was there on this Saturday morning. I know, without a doubt, that there was Godly purpose for this visit and Divine purpose for those wonderful two words, INTERIOR DESIGN.

It is a feel-good thing to see the need for and embark on improvements.  But, as we take pride in pretty-ing up our residences, patios, and indoor living spaces with the best beautification and decorative ideas, be sure to think about YOUR interior design—The divinely put together and well-matched patterns of your soul and the human DNA that make you who you uniquely are. And guess what?  If you really want to make some self-improvements, it’s the best DIY project you can sink your efforts into. Your interior design is so much more important than your exterior or outward appearance!  In your best vision, it can be a swank, chic, but warm and inviting living space, contemporarily or traditionally styled.  One thing…. Make sure that the color scheme that runs consistently through each room of this human mansion is red! It is representative of the blood of Jesus!!

Peace & Blessings, Lisa B

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