Meet The Voice of the Vine
Chief Officer, The Cherry Vine LLC

~The Beginning~
Several years of bruises have led me to this place. There were so many stumbling blocks, roadblocks and sometimes dead-end roads that God would not allow to stop me, completely derail me or break me. Seemingly, I was the equivalent of a battered animal, whose body is so badly damaged and beaten up, limp and hanging on to life after being hit by a vehicle. The animal is lying “in wait” on a long, narrow, winding country road that is less traveled. With just a glimmer of hope, faith, persistence and willingness to truly “live”, it tests one limb at a time to ensure that its drive to live was even worthwhile. Then, with God hovering over this bruised animal, His creation, He whispers softly, “Trust me.” Only a millisecond of time passes, then the will of God and the Faith in that soft whisper causes this warm bodied creature to lift its head. It begins to move slowly, then drag its bruised, not-yet-broken body to its feet. This creature, this wounded soul, simply said in submission and obedience, “Okay, God, I hear you.” Yes, this wounded soul is me! Come with me as I recap my journey after this near broken experience. Feature blogs are categorized, In The Cherry Spirit: Expressions of An Often Bruised, But Not Broken Soul. This section is real-- genuine, heartfelt and heartwarming. More importantly, it is the direct result of my seeking God for His Divine direction and guidance. I’m so thankful to be in this spiritual space and elated to share these writings with you. I know that sharing with, inspiring and empowering others is purpose-driven. I’m finally here!
~In All Things, Give Thanks~
I’m so grateful for the people who have been with me for years and also for those who just happened upon this field trip of my latter years of life— Folk who shared Godly wisdom, reinforced the importance of obedience, inspired me to be in daily devotion with God and provided me with the necessary tools to nurture my soul, feed my spirit, sharpen my mind and intensify the function of prayer and focus! I’m speaking of those Divine connections, whether family or friends, and sometimes even strangers, who encouraged me to be in tune to the desires of my heart, to seek God for an understanding of His will, not mine—All to determine who I am, to reveal my purpose and to live it! You know who you are!
To God be the Glory for All the things that He has done! Enjoy the journey!
Peace and Blessings,
Lisa B.