Sometimes, it’s just the little things that remind us of how tremendously good God is! This Saturday morning served up a huge reminder of God’s small blessings. The memory of an Instagram post from Devon Franklin, smiling in that beautiful way that he does, is speaking to my spirit this morning. He spoke of every day above ground being a blessing. His message was simple in reminding us to just be thankful for being alive! What a wonderful privilege to be given another moment, another minute, another hour, another day to live a little better, love a lot better, and to make a difference?
So, as I shared with my FB and IG family this early morn, “Birds chirping, dogs barking, rooster crowing, music playing, packing TCV merchandise…. It’s a beautiful country Saturday morning!!! The small blessings of a Great God! Happy Saturday!”, I’m encouraging us to take a simple moment to soak in the beautiful blessings, big and small, showered upon us by an awesome, wonderful, unconditionally loving God. He knows that our lives are always a work-in-progress (Mine sure is!), and He shines His light to give us a view of the path to ‘better’; to live our best life! That’s not serving up sauce; that’s a wholesome helping of simplicity with Grace and Favor as a premium side! The dessert shows up when we pray for His guidance, trust His will for our lives, have Faith that He will deliver His plan in His time, not ours, then walk in the peace of knowing it all! Simple Saturday thoughts…. 🙂
Peace and Blessings, Lisa B