If you’re a follower of TCV, you know of the love and pride that I hold in my heart’s center for having had a great father. Periodically expressing thoughts about him continues to be a therapeutic practice for me, and you are a part of that journey. Thank you!
As I, today, Father’s Day 2019, remember all that my daddy represented in my life and appreciate more each day how he continues to be engrained in my very existence, I am also so thankful for the men, who are also fathers, who are an integral part of my life. The strong, brave, God-fearing, God-loving, encouragers, caring, praying men, who pour into my heart and soul, sometimes on a daily basis. I’m speaking of accountable men who take pride in their assignment of fathering their own and/or for being father-figures to others’ children–Taking on the responsibility of fatherhood in many ways, selflessly, with dignity, humility, and love.
Dads, As a woman so grateful for the true presence of her father, I encourage you to remain present in your child’s/children’s lives, to be a force of direction and guidance, to show through your actions what love and manhood looks like, to make sure that they understand the gift of ultimate love and sacrifice in having a relationship with God, to ensure that they understand the power of faith and the patience of God’s will. Children may not always verbally express their appreciation for it all, but trust me, they don’t forget! It can be the mold that serves as the foundation of who they are, the ‘good’ that drives their decisions, that blessing of parenting that is the mirror to the core of their soul. The gift of fatherhood is indeed a blessing. It is a gift of legacy. Continue to lift up, love and celebrate your children and you. Happy Father’s Day!
Sending prayers and hugs to those, like me, who are experiencing this day without the traditional celebrations of Father’s Day–whose dads are only here in spirit. It’s not easy, but we learn to manage it a little bit better each passing year. For that, and everything, I give God all of the praise!
Sweet memories of my “Easy Like Sunday Morning” daddy on his Father’s Day in heaven…
Peace & Blessings, Lisa B