Although the daughter of a farmer, I don’t know an awful lot about the intricate details of farming. What I do know, however, is that there are certain seasons in which specific seeds should never be planted. Likewise, there are seasons that are representative of the perfect time for planting. The cultivation and growth processes are contingent upon the elements, atmospheric conditions, richness of the soil, etc., all relative to that particular season. If planted and nurtured properly in the right environment, without interference from severe elements of nature, such as drought or excessive rain, there will be favorable results.
If you are a loyal follower of this blog, you know that music feeds my soul. The last post resulted from a song that a friend shared with me. Well, it happened again….My soul and spirit soaked up the heart-wrenching, inspirational words of a song that I should’ve heard before, but hadn’t. Guess today was predestined for the formal introduction. This song, “It’s Working”, by William Murphy, was nothing short of amazing and timing, as usual, was perfect! As I listened, the words began to stick like glue. I started singing along, and realized that some of these words could be a mirror to the lyrics of my life. You see, the words spoke of this season being my season for Grace and Favor. Words not spoken without true meaning, but spoken adamantly and with conviction of an expectation. Yes, I was really believing, at that moment, that this song was sent to perk my ears, peak my interest and permeate my spirit, as at this moment, I was perplexed by a few unexpected and taxing happenings….
The lyrics continued with, “You see, I haven’t been perfect, but I’ve been faithful”, and I could certainly relate! Lord knows that I haven’t been, nor never will be perfect. He also knows that I haven’t always sown good seeds!! As I’ve matured spiritually over the last few years, I’ve certainly made concerted efforts to sprinkle good seedlings in the soil; to properly nurture the seeds in order to promote growth. It seems that this growth blossomed when I stepped into my purpose with this blog. Expressing my thoughts, with a desire to energize the thoughts of and empower others, has not made me a flawless person, but a flawed, yet working toward better person. It’s not a season of ‘best’, but a season of ‘better’…. living a little better, making better decisions, loving folk better, praying harder and better, studying the Word better, and sharing my heart a lot better. I hope that followers have been inspired to do the same. It’s not about getting it all right, it’s about reaching for better, one day at a time. It’s a determined and selective process. It’s toiling good soil!!! Seems like some good prep work for a season for Grace, and for Favor to me!
As there is an inkling that we get when the atmospheric seasons are about to change, we should get a feeling when our spiritual seasons transition from what appears to be status-quo to the greatness of Grace, from slipping out of sub-par footing into a foundation cemented in Favor. We should know when we’re stepping into a new field, with rows of beautiful blossoms of wondrous blessings of an awesome God who has watched our attempts to sow good seeds; who has watched us become more loving, dedicated and seasoned farmers, working with an attitude of faith and fortitude to render good crops. If this is our mission and our focus, we won’t mind reaping what we’ve sown. We can then sing loudly, with confidence, with an affirmed spirit that, “This is my season for Grace, for Favor. This is my season to reap what I have sown.” It’s your season!! Walk in it with gratitude for God’s Grace and find the fertileness of His Favor! I’m walking, no matter how Satan tries to block my steps!! It’s my season! It’s yours too! Own it! Thank God for it!
Psalm 1:3 “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”
Peace & Blessings, Lisa B