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Spiritual Speakeasy ~ I Am Weak And God Is Strong ~ Guest Blogger, Arneda Taylor-Harper

“My dear friend (Lisa), I thought this would bless you as you continue to care for your mom. Know that no matter how hard the times get God is there to hold you. Love you, my sister and friend.” Arneda

“In my weakness, He is strong”

As I have gotten older I’ve begun to contemplate. All my weary times of struggle, some are small and some are great.

Times that bring me to my weaken knees, times of torrential tears. And the times of bitter anger, times of hurt and times of fears.

Times the road seems oh so lonely and so rocky and so long It is in these certain moments, I am weak and God is strong.

And the times of many questions that don’t seem to have an end And I wish someone could help me, someone close who is a friend

And the end seems oh so distant, but still, I must go on. For I know that He is with me, I am weak and God is strong.

For the strength of God is mighty and it’s lasting and it’s true, It will hold me when I’m broken, strength is gone and friends are few.

And my trials seem so tremendous like a mountain large and wide. And my way is blocked with boulders and the ship is hard to ride.

God can hold me through the whirlwind steady as a lasting rock, Calm me in the times of rough seas; lead me safely to the dock.

And I know He loves and keeps me, for my soul to him belongs, So, I know without, a bit of doubt, when I’m weak my God is strong.

~Arneda Taylor-Harper April 13, 2020

**Written April 28, 2010, for her pastor, however, she shared this with me in 2020 to bless my heart, as she knew I needed it! Lisa B

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