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Energizing, Educating & Empowering the "fruit" of The Vine . . . Through Expression

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"Rooted in faith, living in purpose."

Lisa Cherry Ballance

The Cherry Vine ~ An Inspirational Blog

The Back Story

My mission is to share and provide a portal of expression, including those “dropped in my spirit” moments, for the purpose of relating experiences and unraveling uncomfortable truths. Prayerfully, this forum speaks by ministering to the true heart, unlocking the safety net of the complacent mind, and promoting uplifted and encouraged hearts of God’s people. It is my hope that The Cherry Vine will nurture the deepest entity of human existence…the core of YOUR soul.

​“I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” ~ John 15:5

In the Cherry Spirit ~ Featured Blogs


In the Cherry Spirit is a pouring of, sometimes emptying of, my heart and spirit. It is simply, Expressions of An Often Bruised, But Not Broken Soul, inspired by Josh Stone, performer, songwriter. The near broken soul no longer lives in a place of defeat—She is a celebrant of victory, through Christ!

​“A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench. He will bring forth justice for truth.”  ~Isaiah 42:3

Cherry Trees (of Truth) ~ Speak Your Heart 


 When our very first president, at the age of six, damaged his father’s cherry tree with a hatchet, he was truthful about it. When confronted by his dad, Little George Washington said, “I cannot tell a lie…I did cut it with my hatchet.” His father thought his son’s honesty was worth a thousand trees!

​Parallels can be drawn regarding damaging the cherry tree and confession--confronting and breaking down the emotions of those things that cause an unsettled spirit; the things that baffle the mind; the things that can be released through written expression. As In The Cherry Spirit is an avenue for therapeutic resolve for me, Cherry Trees(of Truth) is intended to provide the same therapy for you. Speak truth-to-power-to-purpose!

​Email and express your desire to share your thoughts, emotions or your story publicly.  All posts will remain anonymous unless otherwise requested.

Cherry Seeds (of Power) ~ Featuring Guest Bloggers


The cherry fruit has a seed at its core. One seed that is planted and cultivated, can result in the sprouting of several cherries, each with a soul’s core. Cherry Seeds (of Power) represents many topics that impact the core of who we are--emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, etc. Guest bloggers and subject experts will be sharing, “planting seeds” to provide a platform for insight and answers to common, everyday or pressing questions about pre-determined topics. Feasting on seeds of knowledge grows the mind, body, and spirit.

​Email and express your desire to share your thoughts, emotions, expertise or your story publicly.  All posts will remain anonymous unless otherwise requested.

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Buds Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud#16

Buds Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud#16

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Bud Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud#17

Bud Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud#17

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Bud Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud #14

Bud Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud #14

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Bud Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud#15

Bud Thoughts of The Cherry Vine ~ Bud#15

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